Saturday, May 31, 2008

Go Discovery!

Hello world...
I continue my Central Florida travels...
Today- LIVE from Kennedy Space Center....Right now- we're about four hours from launch....
And I'm sitting about 100 feet from the big giant countdown clock- and right across the water from the space shuttle on the launchpad....
It's pretty cool- but HOT!
More to come- of course- complete coverage on News

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I'm in Kissimmee right now- the mecca of excitement in the Orlando area....
But it's more about who I'm with- that where I am....
It's Barack time baby!
I am not supporting a particular candidate- and when I decide who I will vote for- even then I won't share it.
But I've got to say- there's something about being out in the crowd- the excitement- the energy...people really want "change" and think Obama is the guy to bring it.
There are some strange people here too!
I kid you not- I saw a girl- wearing a pink "I'm a Goddess" t-shirt- pink- (and way too short) shorts and pink fuzzy slippers...she was pregnant- and smoking...
Gotta Love Kissimmee...

It's Barack time.....gotta go- but more to come!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Exciting TV News

The 70's classic Electric Company is coming back to PBS!
Y'all can look forward to hearing kids across the land screaming EC's famous opening, "Hey you guys!"
Production on the new Electric Company started this week, Tuesday.
The show’s new format will encompass interactive online elements and community-based activities across the country.
Music for the show's being looked after by Broadway babes, Chris Jackson, Thomas Kail and Bill Sherman (all from musical In the Heights, which was just nominated for a bunch of Tony awards).

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spiderman lives!

From my sister- about my nephew:

Last night the kids got to bed a bit later than normal. Colin and I had picked up Mom from the airport, and she had given Colin a pen that had the pillsbury doughboy on it. Unbeknownst to me, he took that pen out of my purse and brought it to bed with him. Conor, he falls asleep FAST, but Colin usually plays in his room, with the nightlight on, for at least an hour. I went in to check on him, and I figured that he must be asleep because it was quiet. Boy was I wrong! I found a boy COVERED in ink! He had colored onhis face, arms, hands, neck, legs and feet! Then I took him outside to show his father, and I realized that he had colored on his chest and butt and even inside his ear and belly button!!! I was pretty mad, (seriously, how long is it going to take to scrub ink off of him and I'm already tired??), but then listen to his answer...Colin, what were you thinking?? "I just wanted a Spiderman suit." He had drawn the spiderman web all over his body. It's pretty funny, right?? Oh, and it took about 15 minutes of scrubbing, FYI.
