Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Day Was Going So Well....

I've always hated that intersection...
Mitchell Hammock and Lockwood in Oviedo...
Whoever designed it should be, at the very least, fired.

Mind you...I've been driving since I was 17...never been in an accident...15 years- no worries....And my poor Kamy...that's the name of my car....she's a mess! It's sad- but yes- she can be fixed!!

Traffic suddenly slowed...the car in front of me quickly slowed to a stop. I followed- but then looked in my rearview mirror and realized that the Ford F-150 was not about to slow down at all....

I yelled..HOLD ON BRENDAN....
And then crash.....He plowed into me pretty hard- and I slammed into the car in front of me...
Here's the back of my car..

The Front...

The good news- my air bag didn't engage- so at least I can still drive it!
The car in front of me had a trailer post- so it just put that hole in my front bumper- and he had little damage....
The truck behind me was such a big truck it had so little damage- but his airbag went off- so they had to tow him away.
Apparently it's illegal to drive a car once an airbag has been engaged.

It was a sheer moment of panic...I made sure Brendan was ok-- made sure everyone else was ok....found my phone- and called my dad....
He was first...which is weird...but I was close to his house and told him to come help me...
Then 911....and then Scott...

It's been a the fun part with insurance and dealerships and loaner cars....Fun...Fun...Fun!

At least no one was hurt!!!

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